Inbjudan till att skicka in abstrakt för konferens i Vietnam Oktober 2024

Via IOHA inbjuds personer inom IOHAs medlemsorganisationer att skicka in abstrakt för konferensen OSHE.

Mer detaljer nedan.

Herewith you are invited to submit abstracts for the OH conference in Vietnam by completing the form attached and sending it to:

Details can be found here:

Intressant webbinarium från OHTA

SYMF är en medlemsorganisation i The Occupational Hygiene Association (OHTA). Denna organisation har som mål att bidra till utbildning inom yrkeshygien. På hemsidan finns mycket undervisningsmaterial som kan vara av intresse för SYMFs medlemmar.

Därutöver så finns det via länk nedan ett fritt webbinarium med info från åtta stora internationella organisationer som arbetar inom fältet. För att se det krävs att man skrivr upp sig hos AIHA.

  Free Webinar To Inspire Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety Professionals   Winston Churchill once said that “You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give”. Many Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS) professionals around the world live out these famous words through their commitment to worker and community health beyond their daily jobs.

This free webinar will provide insight into the efforts of OEHS professionals in eight global organizations and their impact in mitigating OEHS and public health risks. Typically, these organizations support regions/countries not traditionally supported by robust governmental, industry, or community infrastructures.      The all-star panel from eight global organizations presented: Their organization’s mission and challenges Partnerships with local communities and other associations Specific examples on how OEHS professionals can make a difference in the world today. This free webinar inspired all occupational hygienists and provided unique learning opportunities to: Understand global challenges and efforts undertaken by each organization and the potential OEHS impact. Explore ways in which hygienists can add value to these challenges and opportunities outside of one’s “paid” employment. Help hygienists engage practically on some of these fronts both domestically and globally, leveraging the skills and experience that each has to offer. You can watch the webinar for free by signing up with AIHA.   Watch the webinar on-demand

Mer info om IOHA 2024 abstrakt – förlängd DL – nu 9 oktober

Se nedan för detaljerad info om inskick av abstrakt till IOHA 2024 med deadline 9 oktober:

The IOHA 2024 international scientific conference “Protecting Workers from Health Hazards: Advancing in This Changing World” will be jointly hosted in Dublin by the Occupational Hygiene Society of Ireland (OHSI) and the British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS) next June 9th – 13th.

We are looking for both academic and non-academic abstracts based on your research, work experience, work projects, OH knowledge and ideas. The official deadline for submission is fast approaching being the 9th of October 2023. 

It is straightforward and quick to submit an abstract using the automated system provided by BOHS.

This email describes (1) the types of session for which you can submit an abstract, (2) how to complete your abstract proposal and a link to the online submission platform and (3) possible conference themes and topics.

Types of sessions for abstract submission:

a talk, using slides, or not, on a topic of your choice. This could be a case study where you solved a problem, work experience, a work project, results of a research project, a review of the current knowledge in a particular area, an update on an initiative etc. (15 minutes)

a themed session where you collaborate with a few colleagues, national or international to organise and talk about a particular topic or theme. (one hour).

 a workshop, to plan and obtain the opinions of your colleagues/peers on an idea or initiative, to seek views prior to starting a project or to obtain feedback on results/outcomes. Workshops should be prepared to be genuinely interactive.    (90   minutes)

a professional development course, deliver a short training session by sharing tips and experience on a particular subject that would be of interest to occupational hygienists. (3 hours)

a poster.

How to submit your abstract and link to online submission platform

You can submit your abstract on this link and will need to:

  1. set up a free account in Oxford Abstracts if you do not already have one. Please use an active email account that you check regularly as we will use this email address to inform you of the progress of your submission and the next steps prior to the conference.
  • provide a short title that clearly and adequate describes what you want to present. If proposing a case study, start your title with “Case Study.’’
  • name all the contributors to the work you want to acknowledge (this should be restricted to those who have actively inputted).
  • identify which of the contributors will present the work. Note, the presenting author will be required to register for the conference by a fixed date or the contribution will be withdrawn. The presenter should also provide a brief biography, less than 50 words, and a photograph or, alternatively, an institutional logo; these will be used in th online conference programme

5.       describe the work or idea you wish to present in 250 or less words. While there is no fixed format, be aware the reviewers will select based on the relevance and quality of the proposal so, a clear explanation why the work done, i.e., the worker health issue, what was done and how, details of the results and outcomes and their value for the future practice or knowledge of occupational hygiene.

Conference themes and topics

The role of the Occupational Hygienist in the Future world of work

  • emergency response preparedness
  • automation
  • gig economy

The role of remote working

  • small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
  • low and middle income countries

Information and communication technology and digitalisation

  • artificial intelligence
  • big data
  • internet of things

Innovative technologies and monitoring

  • New technologies
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Wearable sensors
  • Low cost sensors

 Exposure assessment methodologies and applications

  • human biomonitoring
  • indoor air quality
  • physical agents
  • beyond respiratory exposure – ingestion, skin exposure etc.
  • qualitative/semi-qualitative exposure assessment
  • modelling
  • occupational exposure limits

Beyond compliance

  • total worker health
  • mental health
  • health and well-being

Education, communication and outreach

  • OH education – innovative methods and technology, educating the next generation
  • risk perception and communication
  • science communication
  • public/communication
  • case studies

Chemical regulations and frameworks

  • REACH, TSCA, Korea-REACH, etc.
  • Influence of chemical regulations
  • Roadmap on carcinogens
  • European partnership for the assessment of risks from chemicals (PARC)

The link to submit your abstract is

Gratis IOHA-seminarium om icke-joniserande strålning 30 oktober

Den 30 oktober 2023 anordnas ett för IOHA-medlemmar (där SYMF medlemmar ingår) gratis webbinarium om säkerhet vid icke-joniserande strålning. Se mer info nedan. Notera att tiden är 16:00-17:30 svensk tid.

Vid registrering behövar man ange att man är medlem i SYMF (Swedish Association of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, SAOEH).

Väl mött.

Info-PDF från IOHA nedan

IOHA söker representanter

Se text nedan då IOHA söker personer inom dess medlemsorganisationer som har ett intresse av att fungera som IOHAs representanter i samarbete kring luftkvalité samt hörselskydd. Läs mer nedan. Ev frågor kan ställas till SYMFs IOHA representant Stefan Ljunggren (

The Stakeholder Relations Committee is looking for appointed persons to work with two associations: the International Air Quality Association (IAQA) and the Council on Accreditation in Hearing Conservation (CAOHC). 

We have met and discussed potential collaborations and would like to proceed with signing a Memorandum of Understanding with each. We are looking for contacts that are interested to represent IOHA and work with these organizations to further our collaboration and achieve our goals. The representatives would be the main contacts with these respective organizations. Ideally, they would have an interest in Indoor Air Quality or Hearing Conservation and be fluent in English. 

Please distribute this message to your organization’s members. They can express their interest to Retha ( We will review the emails and get back to them. 

Thank you in advance for your consideration, 

Andre Winkes, IOHA Stakeholder Relations Committee Chair

Samantha Connell, IOHA President-Elect

Abstrakt till IOHA 2024

Deadline för abstrakt till IOHA 2024 i Dublin är den 2:e oktober 2023. Se mer info och länk nedan:

IOHA 2024 is a jointly hosted conference by BOHS and OHSI taking place in Dublin next year and we’re looking for ideas from anyone who is interested in sharing their work, experiences, thoughts, and ideas with a global occupational hygiene audience. The deadline for submitting your idea is the 2nd of October 2023, this date is fast approaching, and we don’t want you to miss out on this opportunity!

This conference will bring together Occupational Health practitioners from around the globe to discuss the conference theme of “Protecting Workers From Health Hazards: Advancing in This Changing World”.

We’re not just looking for speaker sessions, you can get involved in any of the below ways: A talk A themed session A workshop A Professional Development Course A poster For more information about how to submit a contribution including specific topics we’re looking to cover, click here.

Please be aware the deadline for submitting a contribution is the 2nd  of October 2023.

You can also click below to visit the submission site.   Submit an idea  
For any other information about this upcoming conference please click below to visit the event site.   IOHA 2024